Indramuni overcoming her fears…

Indramuni overcoming her fears…
In any class of 50 students only a few girls are vocal and usually our way of measuring participation is being vocal, active and interactive. But there are many girls who need a nudge to open up.
One such girl is Indramuni from class 11th at Vishnugarh KGBV. When we first went to her class she was very a silent , nervous girl who preferred to sit on the last bench to become invisible. Our lead facilitator, Kena observed her several times and one day decided to ask her to share something about herself. For Indramuni , her worst nightmare had come true and she went further into her shell.
Kena struggled to understand how to support Indramuni to overcome her fears and reticence. Kena shared with the class that would we want to be in aplace where one of our team members was feeling such anxiety. This brought lot of reflection for the class. Innocently all the girls asked what could they do? We decided that for the next 10 mins we will do whatever Indramuni likes and bring a smile to her face. Everyone tried their best to lighten up Indramuni using songs, jokes and what not. The atmosphere suddenly changed, walls were broken and Indramuni was smiling and happy.
Today if you visit Vishnugarh, you will an active, articulate girl leading groups in discussions and participating with a smile—yes, its Indramuni!