Our Approach

Education that empowers is not easy to define and harder still to realize on the ground in a sustainable manner. We believe the torchbearers of this change are adolescent girls who become local women leaders.

The Virtuous Circle of empowerment walks through Shiksha, Shakti and Abhivyakti and cause personal, institutional and systemic change.


Improved learning & critical thinking

Enough evidence points to the value of completion of secondary schools as a tool to empower girls. We believe, not just schooling , every girl must have access to meaningful learning. Participative assemblies,engaging libraries and classrooms that encourage critical thinking are catalysts for change.


Gender and health education

Through increased awareness and new perspectives, girls challenge attitudes and learn to make informed decisions.They engage in sessions on adolescence, menstruation, gender education, anemia and mental health.


Development of voice and agency

Developing voice and agency. Both have multiple dimensions and are context specific. Singing songs, asking questions and nuturing role models help overcome fears and the confidence to hear and be heard.